感覚を呼び覚ます Awaken Our Senses










代表 羽鳥祐子
How have you been spending your days?

Around the world, we experienced the crisis of a pandemic. Since that catastrophe, the global situation has not become more safe or peaceful: ongoing conflicts, racial discrimination, and economic instability continue unabated. As people living through these events, we find ourselves falling into feelings of uncertainty about what kind of society the future holds for us.

When the restrictions imposed during the pandemic were lifted, many people likely found themselves leading even busier lives than before, trying to make up for precious days lost.

Sometimes it may feel as though each day - the flow of time itself - is passing by with greater speed.
We have no space in our lives to stop and think.

This year, artists from six countries and regions, including Japan, came to this special place called Haraizumi for an artist residency.
Most of these artists are city dwellers who have little contact with nature in their daily lives.

Irrespective of nationality or the background in which they were born and raised, artists come here to face themselves while engaging in creative activities - putting their hearts and souls into tackling challenges they can only overcome at Haraizumi.

Through the production of their work, these artists experience a revitalization of an emotional and physical sensitivity that always existed within them.

For those of you who visit, I hope you will take a moment to pause while viewing their works: like the artists, spend a moment to get in touch with your intuition and feel those critical sensibilities that lay dormant beneath the surface waiting to be awoken.

In the coming era, we may be asked which direction we must take to continue building our society. Spending time here allows us to rethink how we want to live our lives. It teaches us to value our five senses, so we can protect and nurture ourselves going forward.

Haraizumi is a place where these senses come back to life. It would be my pleasure to experience a reawakening of our senses together.

Haraizumi Art Project
Representative Yuko Hatori
この展示会は、皆様のご協力によってつくられています。 ドネーション制度へのご理解・ご協力をお願いいたします。
静岡県掛川市原泉地区 全域
旧原泉第2製茶工場 静岡県掛川市萩間702google mapでみる
旧田中屋 静岡県掛川市黒俣545-1google mapでみる

有限会社 佐藤工務店、




東海ガス株式会社 森の都ならここの里、

BRUNO bike、






農事組合法人 原泉茶業組合、











かけがわ茶エンナーレ 2024 タイアッププログラム
公益財団法人 福武財団
Takao Iguchi
1959年静岡県沼津市生まれ。82年に武蔵野美術大学油絵学科を卒業した後、平面作品を中心に制作していたが、2000年を境に活動を休止。2020年12月、DHARMA NUMAZU(旧耕文社本社工場・沼津)での個展を皮切りに活動を再開し、ギャラリー以外にも、公園、塚、銭湯、立体駐車場…さまざまな場で主にインスタレーション作品を展開。


Takao Iguchi was born in Numazu, Shizuoka in 1959. He graduated from Musashino Art University in 1982 with a degree in oil painting and focused on two-dimensional works until 2000. He resumed his activities with a solo exhibition at DHARMA NUMAZU (formerly Koubunsha's main factory in Numazu) in December 2020. His installation projects are not limited to galleries but also include parks, hills, public bathhouses, parking garages, and various other locations.

When I encounter a space, I take my time and wait patiently for the scenery to whisper to me. After a while, its atmosphere seeps into my body; I feel like I am melting and becoming one with the space. I feel as if I am being created by something that is there, even though I am supposed to be the creator. This is how my creativity unfolds in most cases. Let’s see how it goes this time…

Haburi is an artist based in Kyoto. Born in 1992 in Inner Mongolia, Republic of China, he was raised under the “one-child policy” and received an art education influenced by Soviet realism. He moved to Japan in 2016 and lived in Tokyo for four years as an exchange student. He completed his master's degree in oil painting at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2020. His residency in Indonesia in 2024 reaffirmed his own political identity. Through his craft and handwork practice, he now focuses on issues shaped by Asia.

● ビジュアルアート《工业山水:インダストリアル・ランドスケープ》(湖北工業大学工業デザイン学部, 2023)
● インスタレーション《三胞胎:トリプレッツ》(原泉アートプロジェクト, 2023)
● パンデミック中に湖北省文芸連盟と湖北省美術家協会からの依頼で、七宝と金属による作品《武汉抗击病毒战疫纪念章:武漢抗ウイルス戦疫記念章》(武漢美術館, 2021)を制作し、学術賞を受賞。
● アートジュエリー《理想国:理想郷》(武漢華僑城アートパーク, 2018)
● アートジュエリー《觅影——江南风情系列首饰:影を探して-江南風情シリーズ》(湖北省大学第7回美術・デザイン大展教師部門銅賞受賞, 2017)
● INTERDESIGN展出品・アートジュエリー《福禄寿喜》(ルーマニア・ティミショアラ市、展覧会カタログ収録,2016)
● 中国文化博覧会・アートジュエリー《武汉湖泊:武漢湖泊》(浙江省義烏市, 2015)

Shi Qi is an artist and university lecturer from Wuhan. He was a visiting scholar at the Peck School of the Arts, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA. He specializes in jewelry art and interactive installation art, focusing on cross-cultural communication and social change.

Representative Works:
● 2024: Installation art piece "Ink Resonance" exhibited at the Haraizumi Art Festival in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
● 2023: Visual art piece "Industrial Landscape" displayed at the School of Industrial Design, Hubei University of Technology.
● 2023: Installation art piece "Triplets" exhibited at the Haraizumi Art Festival in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
● 2021: Enamel and metal work "Wuhan Anti-Virus Battle Medal" exhibited at the Wuhan Art Museum.
● 2020: During the Wuhan epidemic, he was invited by the Hubei Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Hubei Artists Association to create the work "Wuhan Anti-Virus Battle Medal", which won an academic award.
● 2018: Jewelry works "Ideal State" and other art jewelry exhibited at the Wuhan OCT Art Park.
● 2017: Jewelry work "Seeking Shadows – Jiangnan Style Jewelry Series" won the Bronze Award in the Teacher Group of the Seventh Art and Design Exhibition of Hubei Universities.
● 2016: Jewelry work "Fortune, Prosperity, Longevity, Happiness" exhibited at the INTERDESIGN exhibition in Timisoara, Romania, and included in the exhibition catalog.
● 2015: Jewelry work "Wuhan Lakes" exhibited at the China Cultural Expo (Yiwu, Zhejiang).
Hebi Yamaguchi





I reconstruct “places” in my work. By reconfiguring a single “place,” I aim to maximize the two ways of looking at the vista in front of me, “風景(fukei)” and “景観(keikan)”* and to transform the image that has been perceived by the senses into a place where both views of fukei and keikan are possible.

The kanji character for “景(kei: view)” in both refers to the shadows cast by the sun and means the entity itself. Fukei is a subjective view that only one perceives on own, including the wind and sunlight that touch the skin, as the word “風(fu: wind)” implies.

Keikan is a perception created by objective facts, such as the presence of rocks, seasonal winds blowing from this direction, and the accumulation of dust.

By gradually making the background image of an ordinary place into a special place, I have been able to draw attention to the ordinary place itself, which is not a work of art, and to create a new way of looking at the area where my work is located, or even the town, prefecture, or country, or wherever it is located. I aim to create this “Neo-Land Art”.

*Both fukei and keikan can be translated as view, scenery, or landscape.
Takuto Yamamoto


Takuto Yamamoto was born in born in 1995 in Osaka. He has conducted fieldwork and researched throughout Japan using a folklore approach, focusing on the theme of “俗(zoku: mundane)” in everyday life. Past fieldwork experiences include mountain asceticism with ascetic practitioners, leading urban festivals, and playing festive instruments.

His current style is largely driven by his interest in the old lifestyles and traditional events of local communities, which he developed through the stories of elderly women he met in fishing villages during his travels throughout Japan's 47 prefectures. Through his work, he engages in small talk and dialogue with local people, and by actually participating in local events, he collects people's stories and folk tools to create works that compose the exhibition space. Connecting the past with the present, he sheds light on the “here and now” of everyday life. He is seeking a new kind of folklore exhibition, drawing on his experience as a museum curator.
Hanny Wijaya


Hanny Wijaya is an Indonesian Contemporary Artist and a PhD Researcher at the Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Studies at Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria. As a Central European Director of CEIDA (China Europe International Design Culture Association), she is currently based in Vienna to focus on her artistic research projects.

Hanny has been awarded honorary titles as the Distinguished Professor from Hubei Institute of Fine Arts and Hubei University of Technology, China as a recognition of her achievement in research. She is also a Guest Professor at Huanggang Normal University, China. Hanny is involved in many art and design projects both in academic and professional fields. Working actively on many collaborative and interdisciplinary projects, she intertwines mostly with contemporary art, design, and culture.

Hanny has also published books and articles in international journals and proceedings while balancing her literature works with practice-based outcomes and exhibitions.
Moss Bastille

Moss Bastille is an illustrator and designer living in Brooklyn, New York. His work is often inspired by nature, mythology, and personal observation; his goal is to create a dialogue with the audience that encourages an open mind. Moss has worked with a variety of clients including Rolling Stone UK, Macmillan Publishing, and others. He loves the ocean, animals, coffee, and taking walks.
Fabian Hammerl


作品はヨーロッパ、アジア、南アフリカ、アメリカのグループ展や個展で展示されており、中国と日本のアーティスト・レジデンスに参加しながら、国際的な共同プロジェクトを企画、キュレーションする。アーティスト・ブックやZINEを多数自費出版。[sic!] Artist Collective共同設立者。Atelierhaus Breite Straße(ドイツ・ハンブルグ)のレジデント・アーティスト。

Fabian Hammerl is a Hamburg-based artist/photographer. He graduated from Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel, Germany.

In his work Fabian focuses on creating narratives nestled between documentary and fiction, mainly using photography, occasionally admixing film, sound, and words.

For exhibition and book projects Fabian de- and re-contextualises photographs from different series, often in collaboration with other artists or in shared authorship, formulating essayistic narratives with a freewheeling approach towards temporal and spatial coherence.

His work has been exhibited in group and solo shows in Europe, Asia, South Africa, and the US. He has been participating in artist residencies in China and Japan and is organizing and curating international collaborative projects.Fabian has self-published a number of artist books and zines.He is a co-founder of [sic!] Artist Collective and resident at Atelierhaus Breite Straße in Hamburg, Germany.
Makoto Matsushima and Ima Collab Project (Hong Kong, China)
松島誠(Makoto Matsushima)
2008、2010、2018年 韓国国立総合芸術大学舞踊科 客員教授
2021、2022年 武蔵野美術大学空間演出デザイン学科 非常勤講師

意象作業Ima Collab
2022年に演出家チャン・チュウヘイによって中国・香港を拠点に設立。この協働プラットフォーム名であるIma Collabは「イメージ・メイキング」「イメージ」「今」に由来し、ベテランと意欲的な若手や様々な分野の演劇人がコラボレーションすることによって、新しい世代の演劇人を育成することに重きを置いている。2022年フランス・メイ・アーツ・フェスティバルにジャン=ミシェル・リブの「Théâtre sans animaux:動物がいない劇場」で初参加。

近年の作品「キャンディード」は、エディンバラ・フェスティバル・フリンジ2023のアジア芸術最優秀演出賞の次点に選ばれ、ミラノ、ワルシャワ、チョンソン、テグで上演された。本年の原泉アートプロジェクトにおいては、松島誠率いる新進気鋭の俳優3名と共に、イマ・コラボの「360 若手俳優育成プログラム」の研修生8名と演出家が参加する。

Makota Matsushima is a performer, director, and artist born in Numazu, Japan. He was a member of a Performing Arts company Pappa TARAHUMARA from 1983 to 2006, began his solo career in 1995, formed the improvisation unit NORUKASORUKA in 2006, and in 2021 began working with Rei and Hana Matsushima as a family performance unit, Matsushima Family. A former Visiting Professor at the National University of Arts in Korea (2008, 2010, 2018) and a part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University, Department of Spatial Design (2021-2022)

Ima Collab was founded in 2022 by award-winning director Chan Chu-hei based in Hong Kong, China. The name of this collaborative platform signifies ‘image-making,’ ‘imagery,’ and ‘now.’ It focuses on cultivating the new generation of theatre makers by means of collaboration between veterans and aspiring actors and other theatre practitioners. Ima Collab made its début with ‘Théâtre sans animaux’ (Ribes) in French May Arts Festival 2022.

Their recently devised work, ‘Candide,’ named runner-up for Best Direction of Asian Arts Award in Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2023, was performed recently in Milan, Warsaw, Cheongsong, and Daegu. Eight trainee actors and the director of Ima Collab’s 360 Young Actors Development Program, together with three up-and-coming actors are going to take part in the performance led by Matsushima Makoto.